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Dr Deep Modh has adopted innovative strategies to make diagnostic bronchoscopy affordable and available to all sections of society

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

People living with undiagnosed sleeping disorders, medically known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), can suffer various adverse effects of the condition such as the increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, brain strokes, and motor car driving accidents.

Endobrochial Ultrasound

Endobrochial Ultrasound

Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) is a bronchoscopic technique that uses ultrasound to visualize structures within the airway wall, lung, and mediastinum.



Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. TB is caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis which most often affects the lungs. It is an airborne disease. When people with lung TB cough, sneeze or spit, they propel the TB germs into the air.



Bronchiectasis is a condition in which the airways becomes wide flabby and scarred. Bronchiectasis can be congenital or acquired. This condition is the result of an infection or other conditions which injures the airways walls or prevents the airways from clearing mucus.



Bronchoscopy is a procedure used to look inside the lung airways. It is done to determine presence or absence of lung disease, also to help evaluate the effectiveness of current therapy.

Critical Care

Critical Care

Pulmonary/critical care medicine is a broad subspecialty of internal medicine that includes the diagnosis and management of disorders of the lungs, upper airways, thoracic cavity, and chest wall as well as the management of patients in intensive care units.

Sleep Medicine

Sleep Medicine

Sleep Medicine majorly involves concerns and management of disorders that are affecting the lungs and the respiratory system eventually leading to disturbed sleep.



It is an abnormal response of the immune system to a normal substance. And its treatment is probably based on your medical history, allergy test findings, and the severity of your symptoms. It can consist of three types of treatment: avoidance of allergens, medication, and immunotherapy.